ACMS Home Page

Please see the entries under the “Class Info” menu for further syllabus information. In particular, see “Procedures” for information on deliverables and grading.

Course description: Circuits from classic analog synthesizers: voltage-controlled oscillators, filters, and amplifiers; nonlinear waveshapers. Operational transconductance amplifiers. Exploitation of dynamic resistance of semiconductors. Hands-on projects.

Prerequisites: (ECE3043 or ECE3741) and ECE3084. Basically, you need some familiarity with op amps, diodes, transistors, poles and zeros of transfer functions, frequency response, and you need to know how to use a scope.

When: MWF 11:15 AM — 12;05 PM
Where: Van Leer C361

Instructor: Aaron Lanterman
Office: Van Leer W431
E-mail: (the best way to reach me; please include “ACMS” somewhere in the subject of class-related e-mail so I can find it quickly)

Honor code: This course will be conducted under the rules and guidelines of the Georgia Tech Honor Code; infractions will be reported to the Dean of Students. The “ground rules” for each assignment, which may vary from assignment to assignment, will be given in each assignment description. Please ask  for clarification if any aspects of the given “ground rules” seem unclear.

Office of Disability Services: If you are a student registered with the Office of Disability Services (ODS), please make sure the appropriate forms and paperwork are completed by Prof. Lanterman. We will abide by all accommodations required by ODS. The date for a quiz will be announced with at least two week’s notice. It is the responsibility of the student to properly arrange test accommodations for each exam with ODS in sufficient time to guarantee space for exam administration. ALL exam accommodations must be handled through ODS. If the student does not register accommodations with ODS for the taking of an exam, then they will have to take the exam at the normally scheduled times without any additional accommodation unless the instructor is given specific directive from ODS on the student’s behalf due to a mitigating circumstance.

Teacher Commitment: All of the instructors and graduate teaching assistants commit to dedicating our time and energy to ensure that you have a productive learning environment for this course.

Student Commitment: As the student, you agree to commit your time and energy to learn the material by completing all assignments in a timely manner, attending all class sessions, and seeking help when you require it.