ACMS Lectures

Spring 2018

Since this is a lecture/lab class, I will only lecture for 2/3 of the class periods, and that lecturing will mostly be “front loaded,” i.e. I will lecture for the first 2/3 of the class, and the last 1/3 of the class you will be just working on your final projects, with me dropping by the lab to help out as much as I can. Any time we are not having class (for whatever reason) you should be thinking about or working on your projects.

Old Lecture Videos

“Analog Circuits for Music Synthesis” is the latest name the version of the class I’ve taught since Spring 2015. In previous years it’s gone under names like “Theory and Design of Music Synthesizers” and “Electronics for Music Synthesis.”

I video taped many of the lectures from previous offerings of the class plunking a cheap camcorder from Target on top of a table and posted them on, since it accepted long videos and large files at a time when youtube restricted videos to 10 minutes. Unfortunately, drastically changed business models in 2013, and my videos were deemed insufficiently professional and removed from their services as part of that change.

I believe my hard drive that contained these videos crashed. Fortunately, many synth enthusiasts had saved copies of these videos and reposted reposted them (with my permission):

These playlists consists of videos from the 2010 and 2011 offerings of the course: